休兵Monday, Sep. 06, 2010ETA announces that it took the decision several 節能燈具months ago not to carry out armed actions. · 居酒屋 A MILITANT, · from the armed Basque 好房網separatist group ETA, announcing a ceasefire. The news raises hopes of a 貸款new peace process with the Spanish government but gives few clues about how 面膜that might happen ETA組織宣佈幾各月前她們已決定不會採取武裝行動西班牙的一(分烤肉食材離主義)組織ETA宣佈休兵這各消息給西班牙政府一箇和平的希望但是這給了以各信息汽車借款(ETA)下一部可能會採取的行動Read more: 澎湖民宿http://www.time.com/time/quotes#ixzz0yoLrZaIo CNN記者報導是說, 根據過去的經關鍵字廣告驗, 這各休兵表示會有更多的殺傷, BBC也報導了這各消息. 整合負債http://www.time.com/time/world/article/0,8599,2016297,00.html?iid=tsmodule

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